Unlimited Possibilities
Online Audio
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Our Mission
Our mission is to make the realisation of your spiritual journey with us .You will experience how wonderful it is and that’s what we call a real Anubhuti.
Get ready for the joy which your soul is going to experience . There is power in the universe and there is a power inside you.
Do you want to get the satya Anubhuti ?
Then you are at Right place.
God resides within you, do you want to have a glimpse of him?
You don’t know any kind of worship, yet you want to find your higher self?
Do you want to get rid of your physical and mental ailments forever without medicines?
You do not believe in any idol worship or God but you believe in cosmic energy and want to feel it?
Soil Bath
You must have often seen that when an animal is ill, it goes to the wet soil and lies down and within a day or two its health gets better.
Since the soil has such natural properties due to which the soil absorbs the toxic elements from the body and the body becomes healthy.
Perhaps you have heard that a person who has been electrocuted or a person who has been bitten by a snake, has got a lot of relief by keeping him inside the soil.
Soil power works behind it
According to Chhandogya Upanishad, our body is made up of five elements, of which soil is the first element.Soil has amazing ability to correct the disordered energy of the our body.In our ashram, many methods are used for your awakening, one of them is soil bath.
मृदा स्नान
आपने प्रायः देखा होगा कि जब कोई जानवर बीमार होता है तो वह गीली मिट्टी में जाकर लेट जाता है और एक दो दिन में ही उसकी तबियत सही हो जाती है
चूंकि मिट्टी में ऐसे प्राकृतिक गुण होते है जिनकी वजह से मिट्टी शरीर से जहरीले तत्वों को सोख लेती है और शरीर निरोग हो जाता है
शायद आपने सुना हो कि बिजली के झटके लगे व्यक्ति को या सांप काटे हुए व्यक्ति को मिट्टी के अंदर लिटाने से उसको काफी आराम मिला
इसके पीछे मृदा की शक्ति काम करती है
छांदोग्य उपनिषद के अनुसार हमारा शरीर पांच तत्वों से मिलकर बना है जिनमे से मिट्टी पहला तत्व हैमिट्टी के अंदर शरीर की अव्यवस्थित ऊर्जा को सही करने की अद्भुत क्षमता होती हैहमारे आश्रम में आपके जागरण के लिए अनेकों विधियां प्रयोग की जाती है उनमें से एक मृदा स्नान भी है

Salt Water Bath
Our body gets many benefits by mixing common salt in water and taking a bath with it.
Since common salt contains potassium, magnesium, zinc, sulphur, calcium, bromide, chloride, and iodide which give essential nutrition to our body
By taking bath in this type of water, we not only feel fresh but detoxification of our body also takes place.Our skin becomes shiny and all the joints of our body start working properly.This is a accurate medicine for all types of skin diseases, it cures many bone related disorders.It is very helpful in relieving stress and it is even very beneficial in curing insomnia.Also, it is helpful in removing acidity and fungal infections of the body.
We just need to protect our hair while taking a shower.
नमकीन पानी स्नान
साधारण नमक को पानी में मिला कर उससे स्नान करने के बहुत से फायदे हमारे शरीर को प्राप्त होते है
चूंकि सामान्य नमक में पोटेशियम, मैग्नीशियम, जिंक, सल्फर, कैल्शियम, ब्रोमाइड, क्लोराइड, और आयोडाइड होते है जो हमारे शरीर को आवश्यक पोषण देते है
इस प्रकार के पानी में स्नान करने पर हम केवल तरो ताजा ही महसूस नहीं करते अपितु हमारे शरीर का डिटॉक्सिफिकेशन भी होता है.हमारी त्वचा चमकदार होती है और हमारे शरीर के सभी जोड़ भली प्रकार से काम करने लगते है | सभी तरह के चर्म रोग की ये रामबाण दवा है हड्डी संबंधी अनेकों विकार इससे ठीक हो जाते है| ये स्ट्रेस दूर करने में बहुत सहायक है और अनिद्रा की बीमारी दूर करने में भी इसका जबाब नहीं | साथ ही ये एसिडिटी और शरीर के फंगल इन्फेक्शन दूर करने में सहायक है|
बस नहाते समय हमें अपने बालों की रक्षा करनी चाहिए|
Pyramid Meditation

The Best Choice
What Our Clients Say
We have learned many good techniques/practices to cleansing our different Kosh & also worked on different mudras. Enjoyed the natural environment like bath, fresh air and sleeping outside at roof. From morning till evening busy in improving self by soil bath, hydro therapy, sun bath,breathing techniques & different types of meditations. We’ll be very much thankful to respected Parbhat jee for all this. Our sincere thanks to Mrs Parbhat, she came specially to meet all of us.
Our best wishes to Prabhat Sir.
Aisa anubhav hua ki jaise pahli bar dharti Maa ki god Mein so rahe hain aur hamen maa pyar se apne god mein dular rahi hai.vahan se nikalne ka man nahin hota
Om dhvni sunte waqt mujhe jo anubhav hua hai wo Shabdon ke pare hai,yakeenan aap sabbhi agar batai hui batein follow karenge to avashya Anubhuti hogi.
Thankyou sir
Sangeeta Lal

Hi Readers! This was my first spiritual step ever, when I reached the ashram, my happiness knew no bounds. Trees all around, very positive and secure feeling. Prabhat Ji is a humble soul. Starting our day with “Soil Bath”, where we helped each other sleep in the arms of Mother Earth, what an inexpressible feeling. Experienced TRUE HAPPINESS, then followed by “Salt water Bath” it is a feeling where all the rivers and Ocean meet, again very soothing and giving eternal happiness. Then followed teachings on meditation, specially “Om meditation”, you see all come to seek happiness but it is your eternal soul which can witness it. WORDS FALL SHORT to express one’s ANUBHUTI “the experience”.
I recommend everyone to be here and be a soul part and if not you see God, you would know you are on the right track.
If you believe in miracle or magic, talisman (holy thread) THIS is not a place for you. The Road to ANUBHUTI is not easy but once you start walking, you will never know how long you have reached. Food is great, all our comrades are very helpful to each other, Gauri the Cow provides motherly milk and we have Laado the calf to play with & most important is the key person Harinder Bhaiya who takes care of our food, little strict but down to earth, fields all around you, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Bye….I will be waiting for your fair review.
Bhaskar Raj Lal

At Anubhuti Ashram my experience is Zabardast, Kamal ka, Mind Blowing, Fully satisfying rha. first time I experience Deep Samadhi Avastha 5 Hrs.long . Prabhat sir give one 2 one attention and guide for everything like for what is ur prakriti, at what stage ur Annmaye Kosh, Pranmaye Kosh, Manomaye Kosh. If u have some trubble in health he handle u with his energy and support u for fast relief. Fully One 2 One observation for ur Chakra cleansing. Proper solution for ur every query, and many many more.
Thank u prabhat sir for giving us ur love, care, guidance for spiritual growth.
Naveen Jain

We attended the Anubhuti program from 10th June to 19th June 2023. It was a great experience-like cleansing the Annmaya kosh by following Intermittent fasting-cooked food once a day, maximum intake of raw food, cow’s milk and butter milk from the cow in the Ashram. We got great experiences during meditation like Om meditation, pyramid meditation, Shambhavi dhyan and much more. Also done different mudras-like Samaan mudra, Kaki mudra etc, clapping session, Tree hugging and many more. Also we enjoyed the natural living environment-fields all around, fresh unpolluted air, fresh water etc. It was great to start the day with soil bath, salt water bath, Sun bath, Ghat pooja etc. There was a peaceful, spiritual and friendly environment in the Ashram, moreover got a lot of Gyan ,care and affection from respected Prabhat ji for which we are very grateful and thankful. With a lot of blessings to you Sir.
Thanks a lot 🙏